76/365 – Hungry for the Games

I love reading and I love watching movies. So it’s a tough call when you hear they are making a quadrilogy of movies based on a series of 3 books that you really want to read.
To read first or not to read?
Can I wait for the movies to actually hit the big screen before succumbing to the books?

Harry Potter = Read the Books first
Twilight = Read the Books first
Lord of the Rings = “Kind of” Read the Books first
Anything by Stephen King or John Grisham = Read the Books first
The Hunger Games = Time to give the screenwriters a chance to Shine πŸ™‚

My verdict?
Not knowing anything about the plot of the movie… I loved it and thought the story performed really well on the big screen. Thoroughly entertaining and compelling and emotional. Oh yes… I cried even as the crazy lady was pulling Primrose’s name out of the bowl. πŸ˜›

But at the end of the day, I pay to be entertained and entertained I was πŸ™‚
Now I am super excited to finally get around to reading the books… and I can tell you I will be reading book 2 and 3 before waiting for the movies to be released!!

75/365 – I.O.U

So… for the last six days have I been
a) Conducting a social experiment to not update my blog and see how many people comment on the lack of posts?
b) Conducting a personal experiment in which I am trying to not be perfect and not update for 6 days?

Ok, truth is, neither of the above is correct… although my mum did comment on my lack of posts when i saw her today πŸ˜‰

I just have this funny thing in pregnancy where I hate technology and I don’t like to be anywhere near my laptop. I think it’s something to do with the heat radiating off it. Makes me feel nauseous.
Of course I probably could have blogged from my phone… but you know… then there was the tiredness.
Oh.. and my brain not working properly.
Sighhhh. This 365 thingy is HARD!!

Anyhow, no time to dilly dally! I still have another 5 posts to catch up on πŸ˜‰

70/365 – Blog Fail

Oh Noooo!! There it is folks… Yesterday was the first day I missed my blog 😦

It is getting so hard to keep up with it at the moment. I think I have a good excuse though. Pregnancy symptoms are totally kicking my butt at the moment and after a full day of work I’m lucky if I’m still awake at 7pm.
So what was my excuse on a Sunday??… just plain old “all day” sickness.


69/365 – the first haircut


We held out for as long as we could but for about the last 6 weeks now this kid has REALLY needed a haircut!! This crazy insane mop of curls had to go!!


So down to our local hairdresser we went, no frills, take a number, 5 min later you’re done. Which was good because Xander was quite unsure of the whole process.



The first 3 minutes was good, but then he decided he needed to stand up to finish the procedure.



The hairdresser cut as much as she could with a squirming head in front of her and we walked out with a much shorter haired little boy!


68/365 – hungry allll the time


One of my favourite lines from a movie was delivered by Zac Efron in ’17 Again’ – “I’m hungry ALL the time!”
I crack up every time I say it… Which at the moment is VERY often!!

My mum and dad went shopping at ikea today and all I could think about was MEATBALLS!!!! Yummmm!! Ikea meatballs are awesome. Not too sure why, probably because they’re cheap and so munchable after walking around the store and working up an appetite. Luckily they bought me a whole bag of frozen meatballs home so I got to satisfy my craving at dinner tonight! πŸ™‚

Then later on in the day, working out on the factory floor, I was quite close to Dan as he was welding. Instead of smelling the usual molten metal, I suddenly got an insane whiff of Hungry Jacks!!! It smelled exactly like a grilled whopper burger! πŸ˜‰ I’m not sure whether that was my brain working overtime or if it says something about the quality of Hungry Jacks Grills? Lol

Gahhhhh!! I’m hungry ALL the time!!

67/365 – GSIM with a woodburner

Hey look it’s another new category!!Β GROOVY STUFF I’VE MADE. Gosh anyone would think I’m having trouble getting stuck for blog ideas. Hahaha the answer to that is yes! No doubt about it, I am getting tireder every day and my brain just doesn’t seem to function properly at the moment, so every now and then I may cop out and do a GSIM. This is the only time I wont be ‘taking’ a photo on the day of my blog, but I figure that’s ok, because it’s way more important that I just keep up my 365, and I’m sure this will be interesting for my kids to look back on someday. maybe… lol.

So today – GSIM with a woodburner. My sister is a pretty keen Potter enthusiast. She lives with her husband and son and 2 dogs and a cat in this cute little rural style cottage/farmhouse that they nicknamed “The Burrow”. They are quite keen to get a big woodcarving for their front gate, so for Christmas 2011 I bought a little woodburner and had a go at a mini version for the wall of their house.

Note to self – mini woodburners are not easy to ‘carve’ with.
Second note to self – MDF is really hard and it sucks to burn. Wear a face mask.
Third note to self – Don’t attempt to do all the letters in one hit unless you want to lose feeling in your hand for 24 hours.

Other than it being time consuming, I love the way it turned out.
I purchased the Mdf wooden shape (approx 40cm long) and then sketched the lettering on freehand with a pencil, tracing over it with the woodburner and burning out the centres. It’s always so cool when you start on a project which looks like it could be heading for disaster and then suddenly you are able to salvage the pieces and it works out better than expected!!

I’m keen to have a go at a bigger version for their front gate, although I think a letter a day might be all my hands can handle πŸ˜‰

66/365 – H is for Hydration


Sometimes I wonder if I might be a little too blonde. This week I learned that our “fire hydrants” are underground and on every street!! How did I not know this!??
I always thought that these symbols were weird looking M’s and that they were some special main road Dept marking. And I had no idea why they had the little blue reflectors next to them. Suddenly everything makes so much sense!!
*shakes head in amazement* oh so blonde 😦


Kind of fitting that I should learn this on a week that we are trying to rehydrate our child. If only it was as easy to plug a little human being into the mains water line πŸ˜‰

58/365 – I’m Batman.

Ladies and Gentleman, THIS could be my husband. Literally. As in it ‘could’ be him in the photo. Confused? Yeah me too. Want to hear a funny story? Read ahead….

DH hops in the car this evening off the train and almost the first thing he says to me is “I know this is really weird but I think I saw a photo of me today on the internet.”
HUH!?? First I think he’s going mad. What is he talking about? There are photo’s of us every day on the internet. Secondly my brain is ticking over going “yes dear, what crazy doppelganger picture have you managed to find this time….” Then he shows me the above picture on his phone.

I stare at the picture. Then I raise one eyebrow at my husband.

“I swear THAT is ME!” he says. “I don’t know how, but that is a picture of me when I was little dressed as batman. Look, it’s the costume my mom handmade for me. I remember because it was a grey tshirt over a white long sleeved tshirt and she made a cape and these little arm things. I don’t remember how she did the logo… And look, it’s my hair and chubby cheeks and little chin from when I was little. And the photo looks exactly like the other photo I have from that time. It has to be me. I just don’t understand how it got on the internet. My mom doesn’t even know how to use a scanner!”

Umm…. hahahahahahaa!!! Where do I begin!?? Time to do some Kirstiana Jones Investigating methinks! What do we know:

1) Chris’s mom DID make him a batman costume when he was little. Was it as described?? Who knows… 30 years does a lot to screw with one’s memory. I think we need more photographic proof on this one.
2) As a little boy Chris DID have blond hair and slightly chubby cheeks. I’ve seen another picture of him dressed as a clown with almost the exactly same hairstyle. But is this actually him? He’s sure it is, but let’s be realistic. Batman wore that hood for a reason. To conceal his secret identity. So if you could tell someone’s identity by looking at their chin and cheeks do we not think this might slightly negate the purpose?
3) The photo sure looks like it is taken circa 1981, but then again so does any photo taken by instagram circa 2012.
4) How did the photo get online? My only thoughts on this are that someone saw a cute looking batman one day, snapped a happy snap, and 30 years later while digitizing old photos thought, Aha… that would be a funny caption for this kid I don’t know. Hello internet. Huzahh Viral. Yeah… it’s a long shot.
5) My husband actually does wish he was Batman. I guess that counts… for something.

There’s only one way to get to the bottom of this. Send the photo to mom in Massachusetts and ask “Is this your son?”.

Who wants to place bets? Once we’ve found out the answer I will update the post πŸ˜‰

In the meantime… Always Be Batman.

56/365 – 96 hours


Blogging from my phone tonight as I lay here and watch my little baby boy sleep. The poor little munchkin is still unwell. Just as we thought things were maybe starting to pick up for him, as he took in a bit of food and kept down his liquids yesterday and today, then tonight BAM! The vomiting is back 😦

So I guess it is back to the doctors for us tomorrow. That makes 8 days of gastro virus in his system, and 96 hours straight of a lethargic child. In that time I’ve only seen one or two smiles, yesterday and today. 😦 My heart is breaking to see him like this and I so badly want to be able to fix him.

I’d like my happy healthy child back now. That’s all. Thankyou.

55/365 – Down at Fraggle Rock

Dance your cares away,Β Worry’s for another day,Β Let the music play,Β Down at Fraggle Rock!
I love stepping out in the world and seeing unexpected, unique and artistic things.
Today as I walked through the carpark of my local Bunnings Hardware store, I came across this AWESOME Fraggle Rock Van! How cool is this!??

Suddenly I was transported back into the world of Fraggles and Doozers and Gorgs and adorable Sprocket!! In the eyes of a 7 year old, Fraggle Rock was one of the coolest shows on TV. Jim Henson – tick. Muppets – tick. Musical Numbers – tick. A super amazing cave set that you just wanted to re-create in your backyard – tick. Incorporating and interweaving fantastical creatures with real life – tick tick tick.
Gosh they certainly don’t make kids TV shows like they used to.

I realised I had stopped walking with my mouth agape and was standing in the middle of a roadway. Quickly I whipped out the trusty iphone and took these snaps so I could remember how it made me feel!

The only thing that could have made this moment any cooler would have been if the artwork on the van was done in 3D relief, or even better if there was a Fraggle hanging out the window and some little Doozers running around the wheels.

I wish I had a piece of paper and a pen on me at the time so I could have left a note saying what a nice “experience” it was seeing their van. The owner will sadly never know what a smile it bought to my face as I walked by.Β πŸ™‚