58/365 – I’m Batman.

Ladies and Gentleman, THIS could be my husband. Literally. As in it ‘could’ be him in the photo. Confused? Yeah me too. Want to hear a funny story? Read ahead….

DH hops in the car this evening off the train and almost the first thing he says to me is “I know this is really weird but I think I saw a photo of me today on the internet.”
HUH!?? First I think he’s going mad. What is he talking about? There are photo’s of us every day on the internet. Secondly my brain is ticking over going “yes dear, what crazy doppelganger picture have you managed to find this time….” Then he shows me the above picture on his phone.

I stare at the picture. Then I raise one eyebrow at my husband.

“I swear THAT is ME!” he says. “I don’t know how, but that is a picture of me when I was little dressed as batman. Look, it’s the costume my mom handmade for me. I remember because it was a grey tshirt over a white long sleeved tshirt and she made a cape and these little arm things. I don’t remember how she did the logo… And look, it’s my hair and chubby cheeks and little chin from when I was little. And the photo looks exactly like the other photo I have from that time. It has to be me. I just don’t understand how it got on the internet. My mom doesn’t even know how to use a scanner!”

Umm…. hahahahahahaa!!! Where do I begin!?? Time to do some Kirstiana Jones Investigating methinks! What do we know:

1) Chris’s mom DID make him a batman costume when he was little. Was it as described?? Who knows… 30 years does a lot to screw with one’s memory. I think we need more photographic proof on this one.
2) As a little boy Chris DID have blond hair and slightly chubby cheeks. I’ve seen another picture of him dressed as a clown with almost the exactly same hairstyle. But is this actually him? He’s sure it is, but let’s be realistic. Batman wore that hood for a reason. To conceal his secret identity. So if you could tell someone’s identity by looking at their chin and cheeks do we not think this might slightly negate the purpose?
3) The photo sure looks like it is taken circa 1981, but then again so does any photo taken by instagram circa 2012.
4) How did the photo get online? My only thoughts on this are that someone saw a cute looking batman one day, snapped a happy snap, and 30 years later while digitizing old photos thought, Aha… that would be a funny caption for this kid I don’t know. Hello internet. Huzahh Viral. Yeah… it’s a long shot.
5) My husband actually does wish he was Batman. I guess that counts… for something.

There’s only one way to get to the bottom of this. Send the photo to mom in Massachusetts and ask “Is this your son?”.

Who wants to place bets? Once we’ve found out the answer I will update the post 😉

In the meantime… Always Be Batman.

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