67/365 – GSIM with a woodburner

Hey look it’s another new category!! GROOVY STUFF I’VE MADE. Gosh anyone would think I’m having trouble getting stuck for blog ideas. Hahaha the answer to that is yes! No doubt about it, I am getting tireder every day and my brain just doesn’t seem to function properly at the moment, so every now and then I may cop out and do a GSIM. This is the only time I wont be ‘taking’ a photo on the day of my blog, but I figure that’s ok, because it’s way more important that I just keep up my 365, and I’m sure this will be interesting for my kids to look back on someday. maybe… lol.

So today – GSIM with a woodburner. My sister is a pretty keen Potter enthusiast. She lives with her husband and son and 2 dogs and a cat in this cute little rural style cottage/farmhouse that they nicknamed “The Burrow”. They are quite keen to get a big woodcarving for their front gate, so for Christmas 2011 I bought a little woodburner and had a go at a mini version for the wall of their house.

Note to self – mini woodburners are not easy to ‘carve’ with.
Second note to self – MDF is really hard and it sucks to burn. Wear a face mask.
Third note to self – Don’t attempt to do all the letters in one hit unless you want to lose feeling in your hand for 24 hours.

Other than it being time consuming, I love the way it turned out.
I purchased the Mdf wooden shape (approx 40cm long) and then sketched the lettering on freehand with a pencil, tracing over it with the woodburner and burning out the centres. It’s always so cool when you start on a project which looks like it could be heading for disaster and then suddenly you are able to salvage the pieces and it works out better than expected!!

I’m keen to have a go at a bigger version for their front gate, although I think a letter a day might be all my hands can handle 😉