73/365 – addictive brilliant shine


No, this isn’t a post about my theatre group. It’s a post about haircare.
I am not a girly girl. Never have been, and while it’s nice to dream that one day I might actually be trendy, the truth is, I never will be! So why do I care about hairproducts I hear you ask?
Indeed the hairdresser is lucky if I see them once a year, and usually that is on a special occasion like my birthday or to celebrate the birth of my child. You know… Those times of the year where you sigh and think “gahh, I s’pose I should make an effort to look decent.” And I rarely bother blowdrying or try to style my hair, it takes waaaay too long and what’s the point when it will get full of grease and metal dust at work anyways?
But I do happen to care about my shampoo. I DO care when cheap shampoo, no matter how yummy and fruity it smells, wont leave my hair feeling shiny and clean. I care NOT to spend exorbitant prices on high end shampoo, even if it does do a better job. And I DO especially care when you find an awesome relatively cheap shampoo that is AMAZING only to have the company seemingly take it off the market for almost a year. (insert frowny face here)

I was devastated when I couldn’t buy my favourite shampoo anymore. I had discovered it by accident when buying a travel size version for my trip overseas in 2009. I loved it so much that when I came home I continued to buy the larger sized version and not only did it smell great and clean so well and leave my hair shiny and smooth, it also had the added benefit of bringing back all those great holiday memories everytime I washed my hair 🙂

For some reason sunsilk took it off the shelf in 2011 and it got replaced with a new marketed version. Fail.
For a while I kept buying the travel sized versions.. But they were so expensive and I figured that I couldn’t do that forever, so the hunt for a new shampoo began. What a nightmare.
Until last week. When low and behold what should appear on my supermarket shelves??? MY SHAMPOO!!!!
My hair follicles are so happy they are bursting with shine!!
My task for next week… Go back to the store and buy in bulk… Just in case 😉